CHC Rapper and the great tupac shakur


In the Final of 2015 at the beginning of 2016, CHCRIS began his Musical Career as a Rapper. During those years, CHCRIS found it difficult to make music because he had to go to extra classes and spend a lot of time at school. In his free time, CHCRIS dedicated himself to playing soccer. but after That when He Had Some Time He started rapping whatever came to his mind that seemed silly and a bit out of boredom that’s why he left it for a while after 2 days he went back to making more music and more but then he thought that If this works for him, he threw out what he was composing and then he fell asleep, but thanks to a cousin, CRIS was an uncle to me when it came to music. His cousin taught him all the Rappers of the Moment and the most Famous ones at that time, although he taught him Rappers so well. old so that I can know more about his music and that right on that day CHCRIS released his First Song Created by him Fuebecause everything costs me dearly he liked it and he showed it to his friends and family after that his whole family would like it He said that as an option he would be a singer or rapper. At the end of 2015 at the beginning of 2016 CHCRIS began his Musical Career as a Rapper in those years CHCRIS had difficulties making music due to going to extra classes and spending a lot of time at school In his free time CHCRIS He played soccer but after when he had some time he started rapping whatever came to mind, that seemed silly to him and a bit out of boredom, so he left it for a while after 2 days, he went back to making more music and more But then he thought that if this is good to compose it and then he fell asleep but thanks to a cousin of his and CRIS uncle, in this music his cousin taught him all the Rappers of the Moment and the most Famous of that time. Although she taught old Rappers so well so that he could know more about their music and it was exactly that day CHCRIS released his First Song Created by him, it was because everything costs me dearly. He liked it, he showed it to his friends and family since then. His whole family liked him, and as an option he would be a singer or rapper.

In the year 2016 to 2017, for CRIS, he already gave himself a prototype of a name that was CH, two types of names that he has, and CRIS, his original name, he put it together and raised it. CHCRIS has always wanted to be someone famous or well-known in the New Year. from 2017 For 2018 As a New Year’s Wish He Asked to Be Famous Singer until that moment but Then He Said Rapper Already in 2017 CHCRIS got down to work to release music in those times he did not have the means to make his music and he had to have other means, when he was already able to find a Type of Device to Make Bases or Music, he started singing and after about 2 minutes he released 5 songs whose title was: to the top, pepino z, the king, Legendary, Sara, Boom Hup Among others, it was the beginning of his good music. In the year 2016 to 2017, for CRIS, a Prototype Name was already put, which was CH for Two Types of Names that he and CRIS have their Original Name Together and Izo CHCRIS Since CHC Always Wanted to Be Someone Famous or Very Recognized in the New Year From 2017 to 2018 As a New Year’s Wish He Asked to Be a Famous Singer Until That Moment But Then He Said Rapper Already in 2017 CHCRIS got down to work to release music in those times who did not have the means to make his music and had to look for other means when he was already able to find a Type of Device to Make Bases or Music, he began to sing and after about 2 minutes he released 5 songs that were titled: up, cucumber z, el rey, Legendario, Sara, Boom Hup, among others, was the beginning of his good music.

In the Next Year 2018 – 2019 In these two years CHCRIS He was already starting to do things alone Being a Teenager He was an Idol and Famous on the Rise and more now CHCRIS already had something of a name his music was already more or less known it was a years of Recognition and Learning for CH Solo Being a Teenager, his Social Networks began to grow more on his Instagram. In the Next Year 2018 -2019 In these two years CHCRIS was already starting to do big things just for being a teenager He was an Idol and Famous on the Rise and more now CHCRIS already had something of a name his music was already more or less Known he was a year of Recognition and Learning for CH Solo Being a Teenager, his Social Networks began to grow more on his Instagram.

2020-2021 What was achieved Having a little more impact, his name was already known, everyone needed to know more about CHCRIS and his music, his music was already something to talk about, some liked it and others loved it at that time, CHCRIS was already one more famous person in Instagram with 15 Million Followers until reaching 25 Thousand, this was a surprise for everyone and more for CHCRIS. 2020-2021 He achieved it To have a little more impact His name was already known by everyone who knew more about CHCRIS and his music His music was already something to talk about, some liked it and others loved it. At that moment CHCRIS was already another Famous person on Instagram with 15 Million Followers until he reached 25 Thousand, this was a surprise for everyone and even more so for CHCRIS.

2021-2022-2023 These are the best years of CRIS In these years he has achieved great things to the point that some fans consider him chosen to be the best in the history of music to the point that they consider him a Legend and an Icon of New Music his Great Appearance is Growing up a lot, everyone is familiar with or knows the name of CHCRIS and El Pedazo de Rapper who is and will be. His rise to the Major Leagues is getting closer, it can be said that he is becoming a young and very talented musical icon every year. 2021- 2022-2023 These are the best years of CRIS In these years he has achieved great things until some fans consider him chosen to be the best in the History of music, they even consider him a Legend and an Icon of New Music his Great Appearance is Growing up a lot, everyone sounds or knows the Name of CHCRIS and El Pedazo de Rapper who is and will be His Ascent to the Major Leagues, it is getting closer and closer, it can be said that he is becoming a Young and Very Talented musical Icon every year .

CHCRIS. He started Recording in 2019, starting to make songs and release new songs to upload to YouTube in those CHCRIS years. He did not have the means to be able to sing and upload his music to a digital platform. From a music application he began to create his own bases and his own songs. After that, he had to wait a year before he could finally record with the guide. In 2020 he was able to record new songs with higher quality and better sound. CHCRIS. Recording began in 2019, starting to make songs and release new songs to upload to YouTube in those CHCRIS years. He did not have the means to be able to sing and upload his music to a digital platform, from a music application he began to create his own bases and his own songs, after that he had to wait a year before he could finally record. with someone. In 2020 he was able to record new songs with better quality and better sound.